7 years ago

Tits Maketh Woman

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Tits Maketh Woman. (Sorry about that, I just got done watching Kingsmen and their “Manners Maketh Man” quote is a good one.) But it’s true? Can you name a movie star chick with no tits? I rest my case. It’s very true. The first thing you see when you see a chick is their breasts, and this case Sexy Pattycake has lots of breasts. Enough for two or three chicks. And when she’s wearing a bikini she is showing off her bikini body perfectly.

I can watch chicks like Sexy Pattycake in a hot tub or a pool all day long!

I could peel that bikini off of Sexy Pattycake with my teeth all day long!

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Sexy Pattycake

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